Thursday, March 3, 2011

Seven Facts

I got tagged by Q of Q's Daydream to share seven random facts about myself! I'm so flattered, thanks a bunch!

1. I love the Three Stooges!! For Christmas we got dvds of all the episodes and I absolutely adore watching them. Classic humor! However, I refuse to watch any episodes with Curly Joe, as I prefer to be a purist and stick with Curly, Moe, Larry, and Shemp. :)

2. I'm learning Spanish and hope to live in Spain one day soon. Yo sueño de España!



Some of my black and white film photographs.

3. I love love love cheese. Any and all of them! I could eat cheese for every meal. My favorite is Swiss, my least favorite is Limburger. The only cheese I ever met that I absolutely cannot stand. Yuck!!

4. My hubby and I have been together for almost 8 years, since we were in 6th grade. People seem stunned by this, but for us it was the most natural thing ever. We aren't actually married yet, but it's just easier to call him my hubby anyway! Especially around campus. We've been together long enough we feel like it's a lot more serious than "boyfriend/girlfriend"!


5. I'm a Travel Channel addict. No Reservations is my favorite show. Though he may be a little jerkish, Anthony Bourdain is endlessly entertaining...I love every episode. His episode about Spain was a dream. I also love Bizarre Foods.

6. Cooking is one of my favorite things to do. I will try any recipe, no matter how complicated, and I like to think I've gotten pretty good at it! Recently I've made homemade gyros, dolmades (grape leaf wraps), stuffed squash, and banana-nutella bread.

7. Recently my hubby and I have taken up homebrewing. I'm not much of a beer drinker, but it's turning out to be a really fun hobby. We had one successful beer batch and about 6 batches of failed mead. But we're still trying! :D

I really appreciate the tag! I don't know who to tag really, seeing as I've never done this before! I suppose if I had to tag anyone I'd go with Hannah at Heart City Vintage and Robyn over at Twitch Vintage.

See you soon! :D


  1. Oh I know that awkward 'partner' label feeling! I have never called my man my husband - but boyfriend seems so 'Tweeny'. I have gotten into calling him my partner - and just smiling when whoever I'm talking to takes that to mean I'm gay!

  2. That's so cool that you've been together since 6 th grade. and I hope you will get to go to Spain one day!!

  3. Wonderful pics!
    Follow me? I'd be very happy if you do it!
    Thank you so much!

  4. Banana nutella bread??? Post recipe sounds fantastic!!!
    Haha what to call your man is a question that came up in my house recently, my husband has forbid me from calling him Hubby so he is Mr Living Vintage on my Blog which neither he nor anyone he knows reads haha.

  5. It is totally delicious and so easy! I will definitely post the recipe soon :D Thank you guys for all the lovely comments.

  6. Ah my boyfriend's flatmate is home brewing at the mo, we cant wait to test the results! :)


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